More on Reading the Bible as Literature

See the last blog for my first entry in this category.


Since the Bible is so literary,  you should read it in a different way than you would if you were concerned with theological issues or interested in the history it contained. The following are some suggestion for getting the most out of reading the Bible as literature.


First, get rid of the fear of reading this book. With a good translation you can relax and enjoy the pageantry of people struggling with their lives. There is much less stern moralizing here than most people expect


Because the Bible is often understated (much is left out in a story), be sure to fill in the details as you imagine they must have been. For example, in the story of Abraham and Isaac, when the father has been told to sacrifice his son, we read that Abraham got up early the next morning to carry out his awful deed. Why was he up early—anxiety? eagerness to see what was to happen? to leave before Isaac’s mother could see her beloved son led away to death?


Also, when you read, try to put aside all your prejudices regarding the Bible. What kind of person does Jesus strike you as? Don’t depend on what others have said about him.
