All posts by Gary Zacharias

The Rest of Leff’s Essay

I introduced an essay in the last blog post–“Unspeakable Ethics, Natural Law” by Arthur Leff, Yale law professor. Here’s a non-Christian who is very uncomfortable about the possible lack of God and what that does to the existence of morals and natural law. His point, which I covered in the previous post, was that without God we all become “gods” who set the standards in our own minds. A scary proposition, indeed.

As a coninuation, I’d like to explore the rest of his essay. Most of Leff’s essay consists of a review of all the unsuccessful attempts to establish an objective moral order on a foundation of human construction (taking God’s place) – command of the sovereign (a king), the majority of the voters, the principle of utility, the Supreme Court interpretations,… Every alternative rests ultimately on human authority. Every system fails the test of “the grand sez who,” according to Leff. In other words, why should we listen to anyone else tell us what’s right. What gives them the superior position to legislate morality for all of us?

Here is the end of his essay: “All I can say is this: it looks as if we are all we have. Given what we know about ourselves, and each other, this is an extraordinarily unappetizing prospect. Neither reason, nor love, nor even terror, seems to have worked to make us “good.” As things stand now, everything is up for grabs. Nevertheless: napalm in babies is bad. Starving the poor is wicked. Buying and selling each other is depraved… There is in the world such a thing as evil. [All together now: ] Sez who? God help us.” Powerful words. There needs to be a God to give morality a sure foundation.


A Powerful Essay

There is a great essay by Arthur Leff (Yale Law Professor) entitled “Unspeakable Ethics, Natural Law.” He is explaining the difficulty modern people are having with ethics and morality now that they have discarded the idea of God and His transcendent laws of behavior.
In one part of his essay he says the following: “I want to believe and so do you in a complete, transcendent,… set of propositions about right and wrong, findable rules that authoritatively and unambiguously direct us how to live righteously. I also want to believe and so do you in no such thing, but rather that we are wholly free, not only to choose for ourselves what we ought to do, but to decide for ourselves what we ought to be.” You can see the problem here according to Leff. We all want to be our own gods, setting up our own morality. But then how do we get others to go along with this arrangement?
With God out of the picture, Leff says every human becomes a “godlet” with as much authority to set standards as any other godlet. For example, if a human says “thou shall not commit adultery,” he invites “the formal intellectual equivalent of what is known in bar rooms and schoolyards as ‘the grand sez who?'” In other words, what gives one person the authority to prescribe what is good for another person? Here’s the key question. How can we get others to obey our idea of morality if we are all gods unto ourselves?

I’ll discuss more of this essay in a future blog post.


More Discoveries

I have been going over various scientific discoveries that seem to point to the existence of God. We’ve covered the beginning of the universe, the beginning of life, large-scale design, and small-scale design including molecular machines and DNA. This time I’m going to cover several other discoveries in a more brief format.
So here are some of the more interesting discoveries. For one thing, scientists have explored something called the Cambrian explosion, which is the sudden appearance in the past of far more complex organisms than those that preceded them. Darwinian evolution is supposed to take place in a gradual, slow process, but where did all the new information come from that allowed these more complex beings to exist? Then there’s the fact that bacteria have not changed species for over 150 years. Maybe you’ve heard of the idea that if there was enough time, monkeys could type the great works of Shakespeare? Well, somebody ran something called a Monkey Shakespeare Simulator, which ended up finding that 24 letters from one Shakespearean play took 2700 trillion trillion trillion monkey years.
In the area of anthropology, the more hominid discoveries that are made, the more confusing the picture is of hominid classification. Also in anthropology the “out of Eden” idea of the start of the modern human race has gained traction over the many-places rise of humans. This sounds a bit like the Genesis account of Eden as the single starting point for modern humans. Anthropology also has its own “Big Bang” when it comes to the rapid development of jewelry making, hunting, music making, painting, and the use of tools by our ancestors. These all seem to come into existence in the blink of an eye rather than gradually evolving over countless centuries. A big discovery recently has been by the ENCODE project, which discovered that so-called “junk” DNA actually serves a purpose, a blow to evolutionists who saw such DNA as dead ends from past mutations.
So for all the various reasons listed above, it looks like the idea of God has come back into the scientific world. Stay tuned for further discoveries.


Scientific Discoveries on the Small Scale

We have been working our way through several areas of science that indicate the possibility of God’s existence, thanks to recent scientific discoveries. So far we have covered the beginning of the universe, the beginning of life, and large-scale design. This time, let’s take a look at life on the molecular level and see what science has been discovering about that.

Michael Behe shook up the biological world when he wrote Darwin’s Black Box, which explored something known as molecular machines and irreducible complexity. For example, he looked at the bacterial flagellar motor used to propel bacteria through its medium. These motors have a large number of parts that all have to be there simultaneously for the motor to work, which seems to argue against random, slow-developing evolution. He asks how it is possible for an undesigned process like evolution to bring about all the correct parts at the same time. Having a portion of the motor would not give the organism any advantage. This and other machines on the small scale seem to suggest a designer behind it all.

The other big area of biology that also seems to bring an intelligent designer into the picture is DNA. Bill Gates once said DNA was like a computer program but “far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” Science has now discovered DNA is a computer language used to create proteins, the building blocks of life. All languages we have ever encountered always came from an intelligence source, so it’s easy to make the case that DNA had to have a programmer behind it. If you would like to see DNA in action, take a look at The Mystery of Life’s Origins, a DVD put out by Illustra Media. In this documentary, we see a computer-aided video that shows DNA as it is used to create proteins. It’s fascinating.

I’d like to explore in the next blog post a few more discoveries that have led many scientists to conclude that it is certainly possible God exists.


More Info on Scientific Discoveries

For this blog post, I would like to focus on what I think is the best argument for the existence of God – design in the universe. Years ago we didn’t have the instruments to be able to detect design on the large scale or the small scale, but recently design features have been popping up all over the place.

Let’s start with large-scale design all across the universe. Over the past few years scientists have discovered an ever-growing list of characteristics that must have specific values for life to exist. I’m just going to list some of them here – the strong nuclear force constant, the weak nuclear force constant, gravity, electromagnetism, the ratio of proton to electron mass, expansion rate of the universe, the mass density of the universe, the velocity of light, the average distance between stars, the number of active neutrinos in the universe. There are well over 100 of these parameters that have to be precisely figured for life to exist. For example, someone once calculated that if the force of gravity changed the equivalent of 1 inch on a tape measure spread across the entire universe, there would be no life. The same is true when we look at the universe of that closer to home. The earth, for example, has to be in the right location in the solar system, have the right atmosphere, have the right kind of plate tectonics, be tilted exactly as it is, and so on. The sun must be the correct color, put out an exact amount in its solar wind, be in the right location of the galaxy, and on and on.

This large-scale design is obvious to scientists. Steven Weinberg, an atheist scientist, expressed amazement at the way the cosmological constant (the energy density of empty space) is “remarkably well-adjusted in our favor.” Paul Davies, a well-known author and scientist, said this: “There is powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all. It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature’s numbers to make the universe. The impression of design is overwhelming.”

Next time I’d like to look at design on the microscopic level. Since people today are impressed with scientific pronouncements, this discussion of design is a good way to interact with those who don’t think there is a God.


Recent Scientific Discoveries–Part 2

In the last blog I discussed the beginning of the universe and how the discovery of the Big Bang has caused many to reconsider the possibility that God acted to create the universe. Let’s take a look now at the beginning of life itself and how scientists are stumped to explain it from a strictly materialistic viewpoint.

One hundred years ago there was great optimism that life was easy to get started. A famous experiment (Miller-Urey) took gases that were thought to be part of the early Earth’s atmosphere, zapped them with an electrode, and collected a tarry substance, which turned out to be amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Scientists were elated, but their joy was short-lived. Since then the complexity of even the simplest organisms has proved a huge challenge to those who think life started without the input of information from a creator. The Cambrian explosion has revealed a short time period in which complex organisms popped into existence from very simple pre-existing ones. The SETI project, in which radio telescopes have attempted to listen in for signals from outer space, has proved a failure. Scientists regularly hold meetings to come up with materialistic explanations for the beginning of life, but they have proved to be dead ends.


Then there is the difficulty of the Darwinian explanation for the apparent evolution of life on earth. For the Darwinian hypothesis to be treated with respect, four things are necessary – belief in the honesty of the scientists themselves, spontaneous generation to get life started, the usefulness of mutation and natural selection to change and add complexity to a species, and transitions to show the changes over time. But each of these has proved to have huge problems. Scientists present their findings as facts when in many cases they have a pre-determined philosophy called scientism which colors their findings. I mean that before they have looked for any evidence, many of these individuals have excluded the possibility of any divine interaction with this world, thus making only material causes possible. I’ve already mentioned the problem with spontaneous generation to get life started – no one can figure out how it is possible that random processes  could come together to create something as intricate as even one-celled life. Mutation has a problem as well – it cannot produce new information which will enhance a species. Finally, transitions have failed to show up as Darwin was hoping they would.


Plenty more to come as far as scientific discoveries go. In the next blog post I would like to look at design in the universe, which to me is probably the key element that points to the possibility of a God.


Recent Scientific Discoveries

For the next two weeks I’ll be speaking to a class at church regarding recent scientific discoveries that support the idea of the existence of God. What makes these discoveries interesting is the history of science over the last few centuries. Science grew out of Christianity and was nurtured by early scientists who had no problem combining their religious faith with their exploration of the universe. Then the Enlightenment came in the late 1600s and 1700s, bringing a new attitude – science was going to be done as if no God existed. When Darwin came on the scene and promulgated the idea of evolution, it look like victory for those who did not believe there was a God. But over the last century things have changed. I’d like to cover some of those changes in this and future posts.

Consider the beginning of the universe. When Edwin Hubble realized galaxies were flying away from each other, he and others knew this was the sign that the universe had exploded into existence in the distant past. Those who disliked this theory of the origin of the universe from a single point derisively referred to it as the “Big Bang.” The reaction by some to this new theory was interesting. Take Arthur Eddington, British physicist, mathematician, and astronomer. He said the idea of a beginning to the universe was “repugnant.” Now isn’t that fascinating? Instead of terms like “amazing,” “silly,” “preposterous,” or “significant,” he used the term that suggested he was not happy with the theory because of how it made him feel. This suggests to me that he was more interested in defending a philosophy rather than wherever the science was taking him. After all, if the universe came into existence, something outside the universe had to get it going. This suggested a supernatural cause, a position which gets close to allowing God into the picture.

Then there was Albert Einstein, probably the most famous scientist of all time. He was so disturbed with the idea of a beginning to the universe that he fudged his calculations to suggest that the universe had always been here. Why would well-known people be so uncomfortable with a scientific finding? Because many in the scientific world have come to believe in scientism rather than science. They believe science has all the answers to life. But the Big Bang suggests the need for a big banger to get the universe started.

Recent science discoveries have validated the Big Bang theory for the start of the universe. It may be the best-tested theory in all of science. Scientists who reject the idea of God or the supernatural have had a difficult time wrestling with the concept of getting something from nothing – all matter, space, time, and energy came from nothing. More to follow in future posts.


A Fascinating Prophecy

Here’s another in a series on messianic prophecies.  Take a look at Daniel 9:24-26.

There’s a reference here to the Anointed One (the messiah) coming to Israel, and a time line is given. A decree is issued, the Messiah comes, he is killed, and then  the city is destroyed.

OK, let’s try to understand this. Some may disagree with what I will cover here, but many scholars believe the following is the best explanation.

First, there is an issue of the number of years involved. Daniel refers to “sevens,” which most Bible scholars understand as a group of seven years. He says there will be a total of 69 of these sevens from a decree to rebuild Jerusalem until the messiah comes. Let’s suppose that those refer to a seven-year series. We must then multiply 69×7 to get the total number of years, which comes out to be 483. But since the Jews used a 360-day year, we need to multiply 483×360 to see how many total days Daniel was talking about. This ends up with a large number – 173,880. Let’s convert this to years that we are comfortable with, which are composed of 365 days. Have I lost anyone yet? We take 173,880 and divide it by 365. This will give us the total number of years we would compute –476.

Fine, but we don’t know yet the starting point of this time., which Daniel says is the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Again, this is not a settled point, but many Bible scholars think it refers to the decree of Artaxerxes in 445 B. C., which allowed Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the city which had been destroyed by Babylon.

One last bit of math is necessary here. Starting at 445 BC, we mark off 476 years and end up at 31 A. D. This, of course, is during the time of Jesus’s ministry. Sounds pretty accurate, doesn’t it?

But are Christians just reading in these numbers in an attempt to twist them to conform to the life of Jesus? Let’s look at what the Jewish reaction to them has been. In the Qumran community, famous for the Dead Sea Scrolls, there was great fervor during Jesus’s time because they had done the same calculating. In the Babylonian Talmud, completed between 200-500 A.D., there’s a reference to this passage in Daniel:” these times were over long ago.” Again, it sounds like the Jews themselves came up with roughly the same dating. Finally the highly respected 12th-century rabbi Maimonides was quoted as saying that the end times had already come without a sign of the Messiah. He urged rabbis not to spend time calculating the days of Messiah as laid out by Daniel because they would be disappointed. Once more,  careful readers placed Daniel’s prophecy in the early first century

So these verses by Daniel are tantalizing because they suggest Jesus is the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy. Even if some critics want to late date Daniel to 100 B. C., this would still leave the mystery of how he was able to foresee the ministry of Jesus.


More Messianic Prophecies

It’s almost Christmas, so we will look at some more messianic prophecies in the Old Testament that seem to point to Jesus. How do Jewish scholars and rabbis see the same verses? Are Christians twisting the scriptures, or does Jesus seem to shine out from the Old Testament?

Isaiah 9:6 says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace.” One Jewish translation words it this way: “Wonderful in Council is God the mighty, the everlasting father, the ruler of peace.” This is an obvious attempt to get away from the view that this verse indicates this coming person has some divine attributes, a claim that Christians make about Jesus. But there is no use of the verb “is” in Hebrew – it’s placed there arbitrarily as a way to demote the individual spoken of. Looks like many Jews are uncomfortable with this verse since it seems to point to Jesus. Another Jewish translation is this one: “Wonderful counselor of the mighty God, of the everlasting father, of the prince of peace.” Again, this is an attempt to make the individual here a counselor, not a divine figure. But one modern scholar, Dr. James Price (Prof. with a PhD in Hebrew language) says the insertion of the word “of” in several places is not justified by any rule of Hebrew grammar that he knows. Again, this seems to indicate Jews feel the need to change the individual spoken of–to a lesser being than Jesus.

Let’s do one more messianic prophecy. Genesis 49:10 says, “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his.” The term “scepter” refers to the right to conduct their own government’s business including that of capital punishment. But around 6-7 A.D. the Romans took this away from the Jews. This explains why the Jews had to take Jesus in front of Pilate to get him condemned to death. The lineage here referring to the tribe of Judah was important for the Jews, but when the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., the records were lost , including those  of tribal lineage. So, according to this verse somewhere between 6-7 A.D. and 70 A.D. the Messiah should have arrived. This, of course, is the time of Jesus. What has been the Jewish response to this? “Woe unto us for the scepter has departed from Judah and the Messiah has not come”; this is a line full of sadness as reported in the Babylonian Talmud, compiled between 200 and 500 A.D. So the Jews themselves looked back to this time and couldn’t find a Messiah for them. They saw this prophecy the same way Christians did–no distorting of of the Old Testament by Christians

There are more verses dealing with the coming of the Messiah, but I’ll save those for a future blog entry.


Messianic prophecies

Christians enjoy Christmas time – they sing carols, they bake cookies, they enjoy Christmas pageants, and they celebrate the advent of Jesus by reading Old Testament prophecies of the coming Messiah. But we need to ask if Christians are pulling these verses out of context and twisting their meaning to fit their concept of Jesus as the Messiah. So I’d like to look at a few verses to see what the Jews themselves used to think about them and how they see them today.

Let’s start with Isaiah 53. According to rabbinical comments, Jews in ancient times saw Isaiah 53 as profiling an individual – the Messiah. In the Middle Ages some Jews were uncomfortable with this view because it look like Jesus fit the profile too closely, so they said this chapter referred to the nation of Israel rather than the Messiah. That seems like an odd reading because the chapter says others are healed as a result of the individual’s suffering. How would that apply to Israel as a nation? In modern times some Jewish scholars have said this chapter refers to other unnamed individuals, perhaps a king or Isaiah or even Moses. But again it seems odd because of the salvation that comes to others due to the individual’s suffering. The chapter also says that the individual profile does not sin, which eliminates human individuals. From what I was able to understand, this chapter is not in Jewish liturgical readings, although chapters 51, 52, 54, and 55 are. Seems like some Jews are very uncomfortable with the profile given in this chapter.

Then there is Psalm 22. When Jesus was on the cross, he quoted its opening lines: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The rest of the Psalm looks like a terrible description of crucifixion although it was written around 1000 BC, long before the Romans and crucifixion. One verse says, “They have pierced my hands and my feet.” Today’s Jewish translators substitute that for a different reading, saying that “pierced” is very close to a completely different word. Apparently, that is true, but the word “pierced” was in the Septuagint, written long before the time of Jesus by Jewish scholars. Since those scholars looked at the original Hebrew is a translated their Scriptures into Greek, I tend to trust their interpretation.

There are a few more verses I like to look at but that should be enough for now.
