The Da Vinci Code and Christianity
The Da Vinci Code was a huge bestseller. It has faded, but the ideas presented there by Dan Brown are still around. Let's look at the errors in that book that still circulate today.
America’s Godly Heritage
This talk deals with our colonial and revolutionary period. We look at the Founding Fathers and their intent as well as the First Amendment.
The Legacy of the Puritans
We are told today that the early Christian colonists in America were terrible people--anti-intellectual, anti-scientific, anti-democratic. Is that true? What valuable gifts did they pass along to us today?
The Real Story of Christianity
Many myths about Christianity circulate today. This audio presentation tackles three of these myths--the Crusades were an aggressive war against peaceful Muslims, Bruno and Galileo were oppressed by the church (science fighting with Christianity), and missionaries ruined native cultures.