Quick Answers

Quick Answers–The Resurrection of Jesus

I use the letters R-I-S-E-N to discuss the reasons we believe Jesus really rose from the dead.


Quick Answers–Is God a Moral Monster?

Critics complain about the God of the Old Testament. Here are some comments about these attacks.


Quick Answers–Using Stories in Apologetics

We live in a world that likes stories better than facts. Here are some ideas for adding stories to our interactions with others.


Quick Answers–What Does It Mean to be an Ambassador?

Paul tells us to be ambassadors for Christ. What should that look like?


Quick Answers–Is God a Crutch?

What can we say when someone tells us Christianity is just a crutch–it’s our search for a father-figure who can help us?


Quick Answers–Various Views of Creation

Sincere Christians differ on how to interpret Genesis. I cover five of the most popular views.


Quick Answers–A Different Kind of Apologetics

Before we tell people why we think Christianity is true, we may want to share with them reasons why they might find Christianity appealing.


Quick Answers–Bible Overview (Old Testament)

In an attempt to show the reality of the Old Testament, I discuss how history, geography, and culture interacted with its books.


Quick Answers–Bible Overview (New Testament)

I cover the New Testament briefly to indicate the culture, geography, and literary devices behind it.


Quick Answer–Getting a Spiritual Conversation Started

Here are some ideas for moving beyond trivial conversations.
