Quick Answers

Quick Answer–The Existence of God

Here are five quick ways to argue for the existence of God.


Quick Answer–Interlocking Gospels

Here’s a quick reply to someone who thinks the gospels are not eyewitness accounts.


Quick Answer–Hell

Let’s look at a difficult topic–what hell is and isn’t as well as its purpose.


Quick Answer–What Is Biblical Faith?

I discuss what biblical faith is not and what it is.


Quick Answers–Introduction to Apologetics

In just a few minutes I cover some basics about Christian apologetics.


Quick Answers–Are the Gospels Eyewitness Reporting?

I cover several ways in a quick talk why we can trust the gospels were written by eyewitnesses.


Quick Answers–Evolution

Take a look at a quick response to evolution and its problems.


Quick Answers–Why Should People Still Read the Bible Today?

Many non-Christians see no need to read the Bible because they think it’s one long sermon and that it has nothing important to do with their lives. Here’s a quick response to that. If you’d like more details, see my other audio and video presentations.


Quick Answers–Do All Roads Lead to God?

Many believe in religious pluralism. They say all religions are the same, and they all have a piece of the truth about God. Here’s a quick response to that idea. If you’d like further info, see my other audio and video presentations.


Quick Answers–Do Good People Go to Heaven?

Here’s a short response to those who think they will get to heaven because they are actually pretty good people. For a more complete set of responses, see my other audio and video presentations.
