A Quick View of the Bible–1 Peter

1 Peter

Composed in the mid-60’s A.D. when Nero was persecuting Christians, 1 Peter speaks of suffering and offers hope. He tells of the identity of Christians as a reason why they suffer– they are strangers in this world. As God’s special people, they are to live lives of holiness and to be submissive to authorities.

Here are some questions to consider as you read this letter.  What should the behavior of God’s people be like? See 2:11-3:12. There is much on duties here. See what the duties are of free citizens (2:13-17), slaves (2:18-25), wives and husbands (3:1-7). Read 3:13-17. It indicates some suffering is self-inflicted. Can you think of examples? This letter was written to those being persecuted. What encouragement does he offer in 1:3-9, 1:10-12, 1:18-21, 1:22-25, 2:4-10, 2:22-25, 3:18-22, 4:17-19, 5:10-11? What is said about Christians in 2:5, 9-10? How would that strengthen a persecuted people? What do these passages refer to—1:5, 1:7, 1:13, 4:13, 5:1, 5:4? The section 3:18-19 and 4:6 puzzles many readers. Your thoughts?
