A Quick View of the Bible–2 Peter

Composed in the mid-60’s A.D. when Nero was persecuting Christians, these letters by Peter speak of suffering and offer hope. The second letter sounds like a farewell address done to warn of dangers coming from within the church.

Here are some key verses with questions:

See 1:3-11. How does this summarize his teaching?

Peter anticipated the objections of false teachers in 1:16-21, 2:3-10, 3:5-10. Explain.

The passage in 3:3-13 is considered apocalyptic. Explain.

What were the characteristics of the false teachers? See 2:1-19.

We can use references inside letters to help date them. See 3:15-16. How would that help us date 2 Peter?

See 2:2-17 and compare to Jude 3-18. What’s the same? What’s different? Who borrowed from whom? Any way to tell?

The paragraphing here is very clear. See how each idea is separated into paragraphs—outline key points for the first ten paragraphs.

There is much contrast in 2 Peter. What is the major contrast?
